Complete Lawyer - Meeting Minutes


                                                    PROJECT COMPLETE LAWYER 

Meeting Minutes 

Recorded by

Anu Vishwanath

Coordinator- Team Complete Lawyer


The meeting of Project Complete Lawyer was  called to order at 7:30pm on 10th of June 2021 in the platform-  Google meet. 


Planning the structure and implementation of  Complete Lawyer Project. 

The Project Complete Lawyer shall be undertaken  in 3 steps which are: 

1.Training clinical skills of advocacy 

2.Engage in community lawyering 

3.Development of entrepreneurship qualities in  interns 

Committees formed

1.Advisory Committee – Supervising the  implementation of Project Complete Lawyer.

Chairman: Dr. Saroja A S, former principal  Government Law college, Trivandrum 

2.Implementation Committee – Executing the  Project 

Key points raised

The activities that are planned for the interns 

• Interns shall be made to document all the  activities carried out in Advocate’s office from  client interviewing to trial in an INTERNSHIP  DIARY. 

• Preparation of a GUIDE BOOK for different  institutions detailing the procedure and working of the institution. 

• The lawyers who are part of the project  supervises the working of the intern and the  academicians shall analyse the internship  diaries and reports prepared by the interns. 

• Young lawyers shall be encouraged in  community lawyering and creating awareness  among public about the social welfare scheme

Suggestions from the meeting

• Community lawyering should be encouraged  and support shall be extended to all  

vulnerable communities. 

• Client dealing and Court dealing activities shall  be included in the programmes for interns • Preparation of personal profile for each intern  which contains the performance evaluation and the areas to be improved. 

• Application of artificial intelligence in the  project 

• Meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be  conducted at regular intervals 

Main Motion

Students are the prime focus of the project and a  platform shall be provided to: 

• Teach the skills of advocacy 

• Open diverse opportunities 


Mr David Varghese Thomas (Member Implementation Committee of Team Complete Lawyer) extended vote of thanks & Mr. Safi Mohan, Founder LJRF adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm

*** [Team Complete Lawyer has received the conduct of the meeting and propose the following suggestion:
1.    The time schedule of the meetings will be strictly followed.
2.     Members of the implementation committee shall contact the senior members in the WhatsApp Group, requesting their written suggestions, for improving the quality of the implementation of the project.
3.     Notes will be circulated among the members before presentation in the committees, so as to ensure that all the members could follow the ideas, and participate in the discussions.]


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